Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Spicy Hot

Dear friends,
I write you from Ixtapaluca, Mexico, where the sun is as hot as the spices. I have started my second week here and I have been enjoying every moment. Last week we (the interns) went through an orientation time in Mexico City. Two things that stood out during this time was how central Mexico (as opposed to the northern border touching the US and southern border touching Guatemala) is very much unreached by the gospel (1-2% Evangelical). The other eye opening aspect was the extent of pagan religion mixed with Catholicism (even within cathedrals) and the overt virgin veneration. After visiting museums and churches during the orientation schedule, I was shocked by these facts even after hearing of it before hand and seeing cases of it in Paraguay.
                The missionaries we are working with concentrate their efforts on urban church planting, using community development as a platform for connecting with people in the neighborhood. Activities such as teaching English, musical instruments, baking and self-defense are used to start relationships with others in the neighborhood. This is where the interns come in handy to the church. The neighborhood (Jesus Maria) we are living in is a closed off quarter with about 3,400 homes in approx. one square kilometer area.
                As part of my internship requirements I have started teaching Bible lessons with the youth. Please also pray for the men’s Bible study on Saturdays and the English classes that started yesterday. Also, pray for the other interns as they get over initial upset stomach; thankfully I got over that hump last week. Pray also for the multiple families that have visited the church in the past few weeks, especially for a few couples that gave their life to the Lord on Sunday. Another thing that I have enjoyed in these past few weeks is helping a married couple with a mural being done on the town’s central water tower. The mural intends to give the message of Christ as the door, through which we enter to leave separation from God to an abundant life. I will upload more pictures to the blog as it gets finished up.
Over all, I am thankful for God’s transforming work in my life through this time and also in the group here. An insightful book I have been reading is, “Cross-cultural Servanthood” by Duane Elmer. If you are considering or are in cross-cultural ministry, this book is a must read and I can guarantee it will reveal some blind spots.
I appreciate you reading this. Feel free to check some pictures on the blog or facebook.
May the Son season you with his blessings and continually be the source of flavor in your life,

If you would like to see more: here is a link to Rod Fry's blog who is much better at keeping up with his blog. 

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