Thursday, April 7, 2011

Canvas of Life

January 16th, 2011.
Dear Friends and Family,
I have wanted to write all of you for a while now, but have in some way continued putting it off.
I heard some wonderful advice from a friend the other day saying that it’s a good idea to get your friends involved in praying for your life. I write you to simply tell you a little bit about my life and ask you to pray with me as I explore consecutive chapters in my life.  
I just finished the first week of my 6th semester in college, and once again it is great when the weekend arrives. Again this year, it has also been great to be reminded why I am here studying and that the Lord still has plenty to teach me. Some academic highlights of this past semester have been listening to lectures given in my historical theology class and taking a preaching class.
On a side note, the same professor who taught historical theology led me and thirty other students on a study abroad trip in Europe this past summer. I had the amazing opportunity of traveling and taking classes with friend I knew, friends I would make and Moody professors. Some of my favorite experiences were enjoying Bavarian scenery and spending a day in the Alps. Traveling the same roads that Paul would have traveled in Rome and Naples, as well as studying the Reformation in Wittenberg and Geneva categorically blew my mind. There is so much more I wish I could tell you about, but that would make this letter two long.
Some other highlights from the past few months have been continuing to lead Bible studies with the Jr. High boys at church and being involved in their lives. I am very thankful for the church where God has placed me, providing opportunities to minister and be ministered to in one of Chicago’s largest Hispanic neighborhoods.
Looking toward the future, I am excited to see what this summer will be like. Currently I am on the lookout for an internship. Being a Biblical Studies major, I am required to practice the skills and tools that I am learning (i.e. teaching and/or preaching Bible lessons). Currently I am praying about 3 possibilities. During Missions Conference this past October I was able to connect with some missionaries to Mexico who could help me meet the internship requirements through a church plant. I am also looking at a ministry in Bolivia. And, of course, I have the option of going to my beloved Paraguay as well.
One of my main requests is that you pray with me about my internship, and that the Lord direct me to where He wants me. Along with that, please be in prayer for my ministry with the Jr. High boys, specifically that we may see lives changed and that more kids start coming. Lastly, I want to ask you to pray for my upcoming semester: that my studies will be profitable and that they may be useful to bring me closer to the Lord.
With this New Year and its resolutions, I will be trying to update the saints and share with you how God has been painting on the canvas of my life.
I am glad that you are part of this picture and that we can together enjoy our Savior’s blessings.
Yours truly,

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